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For this question, as it is worth six marks, I would expect the student to provide three well backed-up points with substantial evidence to obtain all the marks available. They may provide both short-term...
[Using the whiteboard] Let's first look briefly at the Tudor Kings and Queens before Elizabeth (to understand what religious problems Elizabeth was facing when she became Queen). Lets start with her fathe...
I find it easiest to remember the different elements of a treaty by creating an acronomyn. For example, the Treaty of Versailles angered many germans due to four clauses. Loss of territories, limitations ...
There are two main things to look at in a source: 1) the blurb & 2) the text or image itself.When analysing the blurb look for a few key questions such as who? when? and where? For example, if t...
These types of questions will usually ask you a broad question, such as "There were no significant improvements in public health from 1350-1750?” There are three key things you need to pull fro...
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