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This is an example of a typical GCSE question, or alternatively could appear as a 'prompt' to a source question on an A level paper. In any answer, it is important to consider both sides of the argument, ...
It can feel really intimidating when you come across a historical image or drawing in an exam - unlike a text extract, you can’t directly quote from it, which can make it seem less accessible to analyse. ...
It's possible to outline an interplay between various different causes in leading to the start of the French Revolution. One could highlight issues such as the ineffectivness of Louis XVI as a ruler, the ...
From my experience, when answering a ten mark question, especially during the exam, a key factor is do not overwrite, but put emphasis on quality over quantity during your answer. Most importantly stick t...
START was one of the first nuclear disarmament treaties to go into effect during the breakdown of the Soviet Union. Having been drafted in the 1980s, it was signed in June 1991, and involved one of the mo...
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