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First thing is to find the nominative, which in this case is Caesar. Then the main verb which is oppugnavit. You should identify the tense and person of the verb, here it is past tense and 3rd person sing...
An indirect command is a subordinate clause (not the main clause) that uses a command verb, then 'ut' and then a verb in the subjunctive tense (present or imperfe...
This passage takes place in the Underworld, and is a confrontation between the ghost of Dido and the living Aeneas, who has been allowed to visit the Underworld so that he can speak with the ghost of his ...
an ablative asolute is a neat little participle, which can be used to describe something which has happened in the past but is connected to what is happening in the main clause of the sentence, for exampl...
The possessive pronoun is translated as 'my' 'your' 'his' 'their' etc in English, and can be easily confused with the personal pronoun in Latin - especially with regards to 'ego, me' etc (the personal pro...
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