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The best way to tackle an unseen translation is with a calm and systematic approach. The student should start by skimming the passage to get a general sense of key themes and content, and also note the me...
The Latin that you are set for your set text is a difficult piece of Latin as you are examined on it after you have translated and analysed it in your own time. Don't panic!
First, if you can, Answered by Sophie L. • Latin tutor3371 Views
'This is an 'Indirect Statement' - an incredibly common language construction necessary to understand for Latin GCSE. An indirect statement is a reported version of an action or ...
Caesar, after the letters had been received, decided to set out
Indirect questions have a 3 identifiable features to look out for! 1) They will be introduced by a question verb or a knowledge verb such as rogare (to ask) or scire (to know). 2) This will be followed by...
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