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The statement may be argued both in favour of and against. In Ovid, the common fate of being punished in classical mythology for doubting the gods is dominant and Niobe is...
Constructions in Latin are not as terrifying as you may think; it's just a case of learning the grammatical rules for each construction and putting them into practice.
A <...
Subject: Latin/GCSE
Q: Athenodorus legit titulum auditoque pretio, quia suspecta vilitas: What was Athenodorus suspicious about?
The easiest way to explain it is that it is the 'adverbial' case. This means that it will always tell us something more about how an action (described by the verb) took place.
One of the ...
In English we add 'er' at the end of the word to form a comparative (i.e. pretty -> prettier, shallow -> shallower).
In Latin you add 'ior' at the end for the masculine and feminine...
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