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The attachment theory was developed by Mary Ainsworth. This theory is used to describe the relationships that children between the ages of 1-2 develop with their primary caregiver (usually the mother). Th...
Asch's conformity study found that group size and the influence of confederates changed the belief and behaviour of the naive participant as 75 percent of participants conformed to the wrong answer in the...
There is supporting evidence for the role of sexual selection as a result of anisogamy. Buss et al (1989) carried out a survey of 10,000 adults in ...
This question will ask you to choose a certain study from the three on the question paper and then suggest one strength and one weakness of the qualitative date used in your chosen study. In order to obt...
This is a question that through either its structure or content suggests to the witness that there is a desired answer that the questioner wants.
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