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You should start you revision as soon as possible so that you have the time to put the different ideas, facts and names in order and form stable relationships between names and theories! You could even st...
The best way to remember the difference between independent and dependent variables is when you are conducting an experiment you are looking to see if one variable (the independent variable) has an effect...
The dependent varible is defined as the thing which is being measured in an experiment, whilst the independent variable is the thing that is being manipulated or changed. Extraneous variables are undesira...
One tailed hypothesis means directional so potential hypotheses could be:
Students will identify more errors in the morning than in the afternoon
Students will identify more errors in the af...
Advantage: Experiments allow you to control variables which affect the dependent variable, so that it is easier to ensure that observed effects are caused by the independent variable, rather than any extr...
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