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First of all you need to choose a company, I recommend choosing two companies (because you cannot use for your CUEGIS question a company that has been used in any case study). It can be useful to use the ...
One advantage of using Focus groups as a method of market research is that it allows a company to receive immediate feedback and ideas for improvement. Due to this quick feedback it allows a business to i...
Anne's cash flows are not discounted. 4000 divided by 400 is 10, and so, Anne's payback period is 10 years.Mary's cash flows are discounted by 8%, so:1st year: 600 / 1.08 = 555.562nd year: 600 / 1.0...
The 10 mark question, part C in paper two should be structured by examining your chosen case study carefully. This should then be divided by analysing the two variables the you chosen question asks you to...
Economies of Scale are defined as the reductions in the cost per unit produced that are a result from the increase in the overall scale of production. In other words, as the business prod...
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