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There are many ways, but what examiners are looking for is factual knowledge. Have at least 2 case studies within the essay question; one to support your point and the other to show that there is another ...
During time of high discharge the river becomes wider, deeper and rounder. As the discharge has increased the water will flow faster and have more energy. The increase in energy means there is more fricti...
The phenomena of global interactions is called globalisation. It is defined as ”The growing interdependence of countries worldwide through the increasing volume and variety of cross-bord...
Yields is the amount of food produced off a given area of land. Methods of yield increase include increased use of fertilisers, pesticides, irrigation and adoption of high-yielding varieties. A popular me...
Fair trade is defined by the World Trade Organisation as a trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency and respect, that seeks greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustain...
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