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The core-periphery model is one used to describe the globalised world. A country with many international political, economic and social interactions is considered core. E.g UK. Whilst a country with limit...
Yes, there are some case studies which I like to call 'Gold Star Case Study', which can be used as examples for perhaps Paper 1 (Gender) or maybe Paper 3 for TNCs. Such as the tulip company OVERRAN in Lak...
Due to relative poverty in large parts of sub-Saharan Africa (especially in rural areas) a lot of people can't afford contraceptives even when they are available, furthermore, high rates of subsistence fa...
HDI is a composite indicator used to rank levels of development among countries. The 3 components are:Life expectancy (years at birth)Education index (mean years of schooling/expected years of schooling)S...
The prevalence of transnational corporations (TNCs) in Latin American play a major role in producing and maintaining unequal levels of wealth and development. This is caused by the lack of reinvestment in...
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