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Per person there is an over-consumption of resources in MEDCs and that this does have negative consequences for LEDCs. The consumption (and exhaustion) of domestic resources or the demand for cheaper alt...
The KOF index of globalisation was introduced in 2002 and covers the economic, social and political dimensions of globalisation. KOF takes into account these various factors to calculate an overall index ...
In order to ensure that you can gain the maximum amount of marks for each question in a data-based style question in Paper 1, it is important to include the following key points. Firstly, ensure you descr...
Standard Level Geography- Core Topic - Populations in Transition
Answer: The average fertility rate of a country is the number of babies born per 1000 women of childbearing age (15-49). Overall LICs have higher fertility rates HICs. Therefore a falling fertility rate i...
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