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When approaching a Physics problem in IB, it is especially important to reread the question a couple of times and note down any information that you might think is relevant to solving the question and sta...
All uncertainties show you is the range your answer will fall in. First off, when you do the experiment, any analogue scales will have an uncertainty of half their lowest unit and digital scales will be t...
Elastic collisions conserve both linear momentum and kinetic energy, whereas inelastic collisions conserve only linear momentum.
The derivation will be shown on the virtual black board.
A scalar quantity is one that only has magnitude while a vector has magnitude and an associated direction. For example, temperature is a scalar quantity because temperature only has magnitude/ size, there...
When working out unit equivalences the most straightforward approach is to use formulas (often in the data booklet) to help reach a correct answer. We start by looking at Joules; knowing a Joule is a unit...
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