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So, you get an option of 5 essays when you do the LNAT. The first thing to do is to skim all of them. Immediately, you'll be able to discount one or two - maybe they sound boring, maybe you've never heard...
Stay updated - knowing more about the world gives you more things to talk about.
Have an opinion - easier said than done! Try asking yourself WHY you think that.
The markers of the essay are generally looking for persuasion and raw arguing potential. Use your time wisely. In the first five minutes, you have a choice of essays; usually, it is sound to get rid of an...
Within the limited 40 minute timeframe, the most important feature to include in your essay is a coherent chain of thought, usually in the form of a thesis statement. Alongside the use of a skeletal struc...
The key question you need to have in your mind when writing your personal statement is: “Why me?”Admissions officers want to know if you are the type of person who could contribute to their Universities i...
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