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For section B of the LNAT you will need to write a persuasive argument about a given topic within 40 minutes. The purpose of the essay is to show independent, original thought and to give them an idea abo...
According to ”Learning Legal Skills and Reasoning” by Sharon Hanson, ‘an argument is a series of statements, which are purposely presented in order to prove, or disprove, a given position’. The main diffe...
You have 40 minutes to write an answer to the LNAT essay meaning that it has to be concise and well argued. The best way to answer whatever question you might have is actually surprisingly simple, despite...
The most useful tool when preparing for an LNAT is practice papers and the LNAT website itself. The more practice essays you write and get feedback on the better your essay form will become. Often the act...
The LNAT is unique in that you cannot revise for it from a book or using an online guide; the questions are designed to test your critical evaluation skills and your independent thinking. That said, you c...
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