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Best way to remember it is: soh, cah and toa.Where soh means that the sine of the angle is equal to the length of the opposite side divided by the length of the hypotenuse.C...
When making decisions judges must follow the law as set out by a higher court that has previously tried a similar case. There are two exceptions.The first is overruling. This doctrine allows the cou...
Most verbs use the auxiliary 'avoir' verb along with the action that they did in the past. You have to conjugate this according to the person/people speaking, so 'I' would be 'J'ai', you (tu) would be 't...
‘Que’ and ‘qui’ are both used to refer to things. Which one to use depends on what you are referring to. Use ‘que’ when you are referring to something that is the object of the sentence, which me...
Utilitarianism is a consequentialist ethical theory which argues for fundemental commintments to maximising happiness for the greatest amount. As a consequentialist theory only the outcomes of the action ...
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