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When it comes to accents, it helps to say the word aloud to realise where the word's emphasis is and therefore where the accent is. For example, take the word 'decisión'. This word's emphasis is on the la...
There are 4 things we need for a group: associativity, the existence of an identity, inverses in the group and closure. The integers are definitely associative under this operation as addition is associat...
Bien que l'antisémitisme ne soit pas un sujet nouveau en France, les facteurs d'incitation essentiels dans l'actualité semblent être socio-politiques, culturels,et économiques.En fait, si dans le passé il...
Current is defined as the flow of electrons. This flow is caused by the electrons within the wire being pulled by electric field. As the electrons travel through the wire they collide with the atoms that...
Personalmente, penso che ci siano molteplici vantaggi legati all'educazione universitaria.Prima di tutto, ottenere un titolo di studio universitario permette di avere maggiori possibilità lavorative , olt...
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