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To answer this question we need to first decide what the question is asking for. In this case the question is asking for the first and second differential of a given function. If we have a function f(x) =...
Hydrogen bonding occurs in water due to the large electronegativity difference between the hydrogen atoms and the oxygen atom.The oxygen attracts the shared pair of electrons towards itself leaving the hy...
A strength of Asch's study into conformity is that it was carried out in a lab setting and was carefully controlled. This means that there was good control over extraneous variables, therefore any change ...
Integrals are frequently used in computing areas in two, three and even multidimensional space, thus they can be used to find out the "area" or "volume" of objects that we cannot even ...
Claude Michel Schoenberg is a musical theatre composer having written well known musicals such as Les Miserables and Miss Saigon. He often conveys extra musical content within the score which is able to r...
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