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You can't directly measure lattice enthalpy of a solid crystal, so you have to look at a different method. Usually this would be experimentally or using Hess's Law to construct a Born-Haber cycle. The Bor...
In general, there are two types of articles in Spanish - definite and indefinite.DEFINITE articles are the equivalents of English 'the' and are used to describe a very specific object. These are: EL (sing...
The double helix structure unzips which is catalysed by the DNA Helicase enzyme. DNA Helicase overcomes hydrogen bonding between nitrogenous bases. Two strands are produced, each one acts a template. Free...
As microwaves are emitted from several different sources in a confined space, the waves are reflected off the internal walls and a interference pattern is formed. There are areas of destructive superstiti...
You need to remember that your essay is going to be read. What I mean by this is that your essay must be easy to understand and follow. This will make it easier for the examiner/teacher to give you those ...
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