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Discuss sediment cells

The processes of erosion, transportation and deposition within the coastal margin is largely contained within sediment cells or littoral cells. There is thought to be 11 large sediment cells in England an...

Natasha F. avatar
Answered by Natasha F. • Geography tutor

Art analysis of "The Field of Waterloo"’ by JMW Turner (1775-1851)

This painting, by the great 19th century artist Joseph Mallord William Turner, depicts the battlefield of Waterloo and the terrible casualties inflicted during the fighting. The aftermath of Waterloo held...

Answered by Natasha F. • Art tutor

Analysis of "Cloud Study" by John Constable (1822)

Constable’s oil studies of skies show a remarkable understanding of the structure and movement of clouds. Most also give a good impression of their three-dimensional volume. This is one of only four examp...

Answered by Natasha F. • Art tutor

What is "Congiuntivo presente" and how do you form it?

Congiuntivo presente is used to express uncertainty, probability and doubt in phrases like: "Credo / Spero che..." (I believe / hope that...), "È important...

Answered by Asia P. • Italian tutor

When are the conditional and future tenses used in French?

The conditional tense is a tense that is linked to the English "would". It expresses a possible result which relies on a condition. An example of this would be "I would have a lie-in everyd...

Answered by Thomas S. • French tutor

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