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After you have done enough research on the main theme of your exam paper and generated some ideas, start doing some basic sketches. Think about the colour spectrum you might use to emphasize a certain ide...
At this early stage in a design based or creative education, people are not looking for specialisation - they are looking for the opposite. A successful portfolio will have variety, no two projects should...
This is where researching other artists' work could help - see how they represent what you are finding unrepresentable. Perhaps if they are attempting to depict the sublime, they refer to vast wildernesse...
When making links to artists/art periods to your own work it's important to look at the various elements of the art form. Think of the colours Monet used to capture the seasonal tone or the intricate mark...
Nicole Farhi’s contemporary artistic expression exerts itself through the form of sculpture, completely differing from her prior career within the fashion industry. Having worked within the field for arou...
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