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First, lets look at the definition of post-medium. It is not 'after' medium as we might initially assume, but instead the breakdown of media. Traditionally we have 3 catagories of medium; drawing, paintin...
One way to guarantee a more textural piece is to start building up your surface before the paint has even touched it, using mixed media. You might tear up paper or cardboard and stick it to your surface, ...
Why?First and foremost an artist statement will help you to clarify your own ideas about your work of art and help others who are viewing your artwork to understand your ideas and methodology, these viewe...
Would first have them demonstrate on the webcam how they would shade and blend on a simple drawing of a cube. Having them draw a cube will force them to consider perspective, while allowing them a simple ...
The key is to avoid being overwhelmed. To achieve this, you need to systematically reduce your options from "so many" , to one possible direction. You need to ask yourself what it is you like lo...
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