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Interphase and Mitosis make up the cell cycle.Interphase includes 3 phases- G1- Cell growth phase and this is where cell multiply their organelles and their cytoplasms expand;S phase- DNA synthesis phase ...
Bacteria:Contain naked DNAHave a cell wall, membrane and organelles - RibosomesAre cellsLarger than virusesCan survive without living ho...
Adults are exposed to the toxin as a child, which initiates an immune response. B lymphocytes are produced and release antibodies which bind to the specific toxin and destroy it as part of the humoural im...
Oestrogen is a lipid soluble molecule, so it diffuses into the cell across the plasma membrane. It then binds to a recptor inside the cell and this causes it to relocate to the nucleus. The receptor then ...
A population is split into two groups by some form of barrier, either physical, such as a mountain range, or behavioral, like looking for food at different times of day. This means that the two population...
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