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Muscles require more energy during exercise. Additional oxygen and glucose are needed to release the energy. Blood flow increases to supply these to muscles faster.Respiration also increases to allo...
At rest K+ that is going out of cell clamps the membrane potential negative (e.g. -70 mV)An external factor (e.g. synaptic activity) causes the membrane to depolarise slightly. If the voltage reaches thre...
An organism that produces its own food
A chloroplast is an organelle found in plant cells, otherwise known as the site of photosynthesis. It consists of a double membrane, thylakoids stacked into grana linked by lamellae, and a stroma which is...
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert light energy into biochemical Energy. Energy used by cells is in the form of ATPPhotosynthesis is an essential processInvolves Chloroplasts of the Pla...
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