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Prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms have some similar structures: cells membranes (selectively permeable membranes surrounding cells and controlling the entry and exit of materials), cytoplasm (the livin...
At low temperature, there is low kinetic energy (=molecules move more slowly). So, an enzyme and a substrate are less likely to randomly collide with eachother (similarly...
Reflex arch is a neural pathway that controls a fast, involuntary reflex. The pathway is as follows: 1)Receptors detect a stimuli such as fire or a neddle pricking your finger. 2) Nerve impulses from the ...
Ventilation means moving air into and out of the lungs. This depends on a number of factors which we can break down and talk about individually.
The structure of the thorax: An airtight space in th...
So one thing I observed in my Biology class was that students would memorise every single piece of inforrmation about each biological process that was written on their 'comprehensive flashcards'. One thin...
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