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Mitosis and meiosis are both ways that cell division can happen in humans. Mitosis produces two daughter cells that are genetically identical with the same number of chromosomes (diploid). Whereas, meiosi...
Normally we think of CO2 as a gas because it is (at least when its in the atmosphere it is). However, it is a very different story inside of cells. CO2 is produced as a result of respiration inside mitoch...
The change from resting potential to action potential is caused by the stimulation of a recpetor, this causes a chain reaction which eventually leads to a positive environement inside the...
Osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus detect a change in the water potential of blood, this stimulates neurosecretory cells to make and release ADH. ADH travels down the axon to the terminal bulb in the poste...
6O2 + C6H12O6 ---> 6CO2 + 6H2O
In words this is:
Oxygen + Glucose ---> Carbon dioxide + Water...
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