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An antigen is a substance that is introduced to the body and stimulates an immune response and the production of antibodies. Antibodies are proteins produced by cells in the body in in repsonse to the pre...
Proteins are polymers composed of amino acids (monomers) which are joined together. The shape of the protein has an impact on its role within the body. Muscles, hormones, antibodies and enzymes (biologica...
The action potential in the pre-synaptic neurone causes calcium ion channels to open
This causes calcium ions to diffuse into the neurone, down its concentration gradient
Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from a high partial pressure (or concentration) to a low partial pressure (or concentration) down a pa...
As you take the antibiotics, it begins to kill bacteria causing infection within your body, however not all bacteria are created equal, and some are more resilient to the antibiotics than others. Naturall...
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