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Replication involves the synthesis of the leading and lagging strand which occur in a 5' to 3' direction. First helicase unwinds the DNA strand, while topoisomerase relieves the strain created by the unwi...
-High levels of cholesterol (especially LDL's, the 'bad' type) clog the arteries with a thick fatty substance
-This causes narrowing of the coronary arteries (which carry blood to the heart)
A synapse is the junction between a neurone and the next cell. At the synapse there is both a presynaptic neurone, with vesicles containing neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) and a post synaptic neuo...
Action potential that travels down the motor neuron and reaches neuron terminal causes release of Calcium form sarcoplasmic reticulum. This released calcium will reveal binding sites on actin, hence expos...
Antibiotics are important for treating bacterial infections that may be making us ill. There are many different antibiotics that work in different ways, and therefore they are suitable for treating differ...
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