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The student would conduct an emulsification test. First of all, crush the sample to increase is surface area. Next add the sample to a test tube of ethanol, allowing for he sample to disolve before addin...
Alleles are different forms of a gene which can become mutated to cause different characteristics or diseases. They can be dominant (usually denonimated by a captial letter H) or recessive (usually denomi...
Despite animal cells all having a nucleus (for genetic information storage and reproduction), a cytoplasm (for structure), mitochondria (for aerobic respiration), ribosomes (for protein synthesis) and a c...
A mutation arises in an individual that confers a selective advantage. The phenotype the mutation produces is selected for by natural selection and so the individual survives to reproductive age. This m...
Plant cells possess a membrane bound nucleus that acts as the control centre of a cell. They also possess a vacuole which controls water balance in the cell. The chloroplasts are the site of photosynthe...
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