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Numerous experimental investigations have been conducted to explain the diversity and unity of life. Specifically, these models have aimed to provide evidence that the conditions of early Earth provided a...
Transcription is the process of sections of DNA being converted into mRNA (messenger RNA) that occurs in the nucleus of a cell. DNA is made up of a template strand and a coding strand whi...
ADH (Anti-diuretic hormone). First his blood plasma becomes more concentrated. This is detected by receptors in the hypothalamus which stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete ADH. ADH enters the blood s...
Alveoli are folded to increase their surface area to volume ratio, so more volume of air can diffuse in from the blood and and in from the bronchioles. The lining of the alveoli walls are also moist so th...
Independent variable: the one that you change.
Dependent variable: the one that you measure.
For example, a scientist wants to find out whether a diet including oats makes a horse run fast...
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