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Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant internal environment. The body tends to use a series of negative feedback loops to allow this. Using temperature as an example, the body likes to maintain a co...
Malignant tumors are cancerous, harmful tumors whereas benign are non-cancerous. Tumors are caused by a mutation which causes uncontrolled cell division.
The intensity of light is greater on a sunny day, therefore the rate of photosynthesis in the pondweed is greater during these days. Hence, more oxygen is produced which thereby increases the bouyancy (ma...
Phosopholipids have a hyrdophilic head which is orientated towards the cytoplasm or the interstice, and hydrophobic tales which are orientated towards the inside of the membrane, hydrophobic interactions ...
High temperature can cause the denaturation of proteins (enzymes), this is due to bonds in the proteins breaking. The shape of the active site no longer works, the lock and key mechanism is no longer achi...
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