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Enzymes act as biological catalysts for reaction that occur in organisms such as animals and plants. This means that they help to speed up reactions, or allow them to take place at lower ...
RuBISCO is an enzyme that is involved in the light independent reactions of photosynthesis, specifically, in the Calvin Cycle. This reaction takes place in the stroma. It catalyses the reaction of carbon ...
Part 1) - the retina It contains light sensitive cells - the rods/cones Part 2) the vitreous humour It maintains the shape of the eye
This is an easy one if you just remember two simple facts.
A binds to T and
C binds to G
Since we have the bases A, C, G to pair with now we know, the answer must be.....
The plasma membrane is composed of a phospholipid by-layer. These phospholipid molecules are arranged in a double sheet which are stable yet fluid. These molecules have hydrophobic tails and hydrophilic h...
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