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Mitosis and meiosis are both types of cell division that produce new cells, known as daughter cells, but there are some differences;
Mitosis produces two identical new cells with two sets (or pairs...
When bacteria divide, random mutations in their DNA lead to differences in bacteria. Some of the bacteria will randomly develop genes that help them to survive a dose of anitbiotics (resistance). When a p...
Evolution by natural selection arises when these three properties are present in a system
Heredity - offspring resemble their parents in discrete characteristics.
A cell has DNA and this makes up chromosomes, this is found in the nucleus of the cell. A chromosome cnan divide and form 2 chromatids. Mitosis and Meiosis are both ways in which cells reproduce. Mitosis ...
The reflex arc describes a sequence of events leading to an action that takes place rapidly in response to a stimulus without having to think about it i.e. without an impulse travelling to the brain for c...
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