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Gut flora is an example of good bacteria within our bodies that we need to survive. The average human has around 1.5kg of glut flora in there gastro-intenstinal tract. The gastrointenstinal tract (GIT) co...
Plants in hot environments have adaptations to their stomata. These are, having a lower density of stomata and also closing their stomata during the day, when it the environment is warmest. This reduces t...
This question requires understanding about how blood flows in the veins. The body contains three types of blood vessel: artery, vein and capillaries, each with different characteristics. Veins carry deoxy...
First of all, the concept of genetic modification needs to be understood. Proteins are coded for by genes in the DNA of an organism, with each gene coding for a different protein. We utilise the fact that...
During the S phase of interphase, the DNA is replicated in a semi-conservative manner. The parent strands are seperated and each one is then used to synthesise a new daughter strand through the addition o...
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