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Beta cells have vesicles containing insulin inside them (1). (2) High glucose levels cause glucose uptake via glucose channels into the beta cell and glucose is metabolised into ATP (3) inside the cell, w...
DNA replication occurs in the nucleus of the cell inside what are known as replication bubbles. The two DNA strands are separated by an enzyme called Helicase and held apart by another enzyme called Topoi...
Translation is a process of protein creation from an RNA strand. This occurs the ribosome, a small organelle that can either be free in the cytoplasm or on the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Messenger RNA t...
An inactive form of the pathogen is injected into the body. The body detects the antigens on the surface of the pathyogen and this triggers the white blood cells (lymphocytes) to produce antibodies to com...
Individual neurons do not physically touch but are connected by synapses. These are small gaps between neurons. Signals or information are passed over the synapse between neurons, which allows information...
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