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The key bit of knowledge required to answer this question is that colour blindness is an X chromosome linked condition. Say the allele for normal vision is (X^N) and the allele for colour blindness is (X^...
(a) Describe Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its implications in disease.A: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common type of gram-negative bacteria usually found in soil and water. It rarel...
Membrane less permeable to sodium ions Sodium ions actively transported out... ...(by) sodium ion carriers inside of the membrane is negative compared to the outside / 3Na+ out and 2K+...
For fertilisation to occur, the pollen (male gamete) of a flower must come in contact with the ovule (female gamete), which is contained within the pistil, of another flower. A pollinator (insect such as ...
Thermoregulatory homeostasis helps to maintain the core body temperature at 37 degrees Celsius.When we are too hot the body's sweat glands secrete sweat onto the skin which then evaporates, allowing us to...
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