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Less invasive, not as big an operation, therefore there is less risk involved.Shorter recovery time, and so patient spends less time in hospital.Could also be: Doesn't need to use general anaesthetic. Les...
Diffusion is the moving of solutes from a region of higher solute concentration to a region of low solute concentration. It does not require energy so we say it is a “passive process” and it can occur it ...
Enzyme activity increases as temperature increases. This is because collisions between the substrate and the active site happen more frequently. At higher temperatures enzymes denature and are unable to c...
false, the lens becomes thicker when focusing on near objects. This allows the light to be strongly refracted. The lens becomes thinner when focusing on objects that are further away.
Both a plant cell and an animal cell has cytoplasm, which is where chemical reactions happen. However, a plant cell has chloroplasts, containing chlorophyl and is the site of photosynthesis.
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