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There are four DNA nucleotides: Adenine, Cytosine, Thymine and Guanine. They are each made up of a nitrogenous base, deoxyribose sugar, and a phosphate group, and the four nucleotides differ in the struct...
Microscopes, in general, work by concentrating radiation of a given wavelength be it light or electrons (let's think of it as a wave just like light) onto a specimen (condensor/electromagnets) after which...
An enzyme is a biological catalyst
Perform chemical reactions by lowering the activation energy (could then draw out ener...
Competitive inhibitors, compete for the active site. They have a similar shape to the substrate and so can bind to the active site and prevent the substrate from binding. This means the subtrate cannot bi...
In a food chain, very little energy is passed onto the next trophic level - this is because living creatures create waste. Energy passes out of the food chain in a number of ways, including; - energy use...
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