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First and foremost when dealing with a question like this we need to define and understand the key concept involved, and in this instanct it is speciation: the divergence of two distinct lineages from one...
A mutation can occur, causing the formation of an antibiotic resistant gene within a bacteria. This bacteria will then survive the course of antibiotics and reproduce, passing on the gene by vertical gene...
The smooth muscle contracts, causing vasoconstriction. Vasoconstriction is the narrowing of the vessel lumen.
Oxygen is used in aerobic respiration. More energy is generated in aerobic respiration. Carbon dioxide and water are products of aerobic respiration, whereas lactic acid is the end product of anaerobic re...
Photosynthesis. This question may throw some students off because: 1: They may be used to the question phased as something like 'By what process do plants generate glucose' 2: They may not be aware that a...
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