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Eutrophication is a result of nitrogen rich compounds leeching from farm land fertilizer/manure or other pollution methods to the river water ecosystem. The all of a sudden nitrogen rich environment in th...
A protein's function is determined by its structure. The structure of a protein can be described in four different ways, the most basic of which is the primary structure.
Proteins are made up of po...
A saccharide composed of two sugars. For example lactose is a disaccharide as it contains glucose ( a monosaccharide) and galactose (another monosaccharide) connected by a glycosidic bond
A peptide is usually a short sequence of amino acids. Proteins are much larger structures, also comprised of amino acids, but having different levels of organisation such as forming secondary, tertiary an...
Charged or polar molecules such as salts, sugars and amino acids dissolve readily in water and so are called hydrophilic ("water loving"). Uncharged or non-polar molecules such as lipids do not ...
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