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In order to remember the definition of homeostasis it is useful to memorise the mnemonic ‘MACIE’; the Maintenance of A Constant Internal Environment. Conditions in the body must be constantly controlled b...
ADH (anti diuretic hormone) is a hormone that is released when the hypothalamus detects high blood osmolarity or when blood pressure is low. It is released from the posterior pituitary gland into the bloo...
The immune system usually makes antibodies to destroy foreign pathogens that may harm the body. However, in autoimmune disease, the body produces antibodies that recognise the body's own cells or enzymes ...
Homeostasis is the maintenance of internal environments within a set narrow range (based around a set point) which is critical for survival. The environment remains relatively stable so reactions can occu...
There are three main factors that affect root and shoot growth, which are light (phototropism), gravity (geotropism) and water (hydrotropism).Both roots and shoots show positive tropism whereby growth is ...
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