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Electical impulses usually arrive at the dendrites of a neuron. These then pass through the cell body and a propagated down the longest part of the neuron, the axon.Resting potentialThis is the pot...
A hormone is a chemical messenger. Just remembering these two words gives you a starting point to explain the properties of a hormone in as much detail as you need. We'll break it down...
At GCSE level, you probably looked at the basic structure of an animal cell comprising the cell membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus. These are all that is normally visible of a cell when you look at it und...
CO2 from the atmosphere diffuses into the leaf through the stomata and then into the stroma within the chloroplasts of mesophyll cells. In the stroma the enzyme Ribusco catalyes the combini...
Saturated fatty acids do not have any carbon-carbon double bonds and are therefore linear molecules.
Monosaturated fatty acids have one carbon-carbon double bond, creating one kink in the...
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