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A reflex arc describes what controls a reflex reaction in humans. When something happens to an organism that needs a quick response a reflex action occurs. It allows the action to be 'unthinking'. A st...
Codominant alleles are different to the dominant and recessive alleles studied by Mendel in his studies on pea plants. When codominant alleles are expressed together, aspects of both genes are expresse...
You could refer to the following. Shoots grow upwards towards light (positive phototropism) and grow against the force of gravity (negative gravitropism). Roots grow with the direction of gravity (posi...
All cells use DNA as a code for making proteins: the sequence of base pairs in a long, string-like DNA molecule acts as a set of instructions for making a protein, which is also a long, string-like mol...
If you’re first thought on reading this is panic. Don’t worry there are a clues to guide you to the answer. As with almost every problem the first step is to read the question carefully ...
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