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Crude oil has lots of molecules with different numbers of carbon atoms in them. A fractional distillation column is used to separate the molecules. It is hottest at the bottom and coolest at the top. Bitu...
Group 1 metals all have one electron in their outer shell. When they react they form positive metal ions by losing this electron. Since there is only one electron to lose, group 1 metals are all extrememe...
The ketone group is planar and the cyanide ion has equal chance of attacking above or below the plane. Therefore a racemic mixture of the product is formed and the product shows no optical activity
C6H6 + CH3C(O)Cl = C6H5C(O)CH3 + HCl
This is an example of an electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction, with the product being a ketone. The AlCl3 serves as a catalyst, converting the acyl chlo...
Orbital hybridisation is a model used to explain covalent bonding in molecules. It involves the merging of orbitals that are on the same energy level to form new hybrid orbitals.
Orbital hybridisat...
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