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Electrons are spread around the atom, in layers outside of the nucleus (which holds the protons and the neutrons). These layers are called shells. The innermost shell can only hold 2 electrons, the other ...
An alkane is a chain of carbons connected together by single bonds (-C-C-C-C-C-). All carbons have to have 4 bonds, so the carbons in the middle of the chain are attached to two other carbons, and two oth...
The atomic radius across a period in the periodic table tends to decrease from left to right. As you move across a period the number of electrons from one element to the next increases by one. The electro...
The Le Chatelier principle was estates that if there is a change in the conditions in a dynamic equilibrium system, the equilibrium of the system will move in order to counteract the change. The condition...
The rate of chemical reactions depends on the temperature, concentration of the reactants, size of the particles reacting and whether there are any catalysts present.
When the temperature is increa...
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