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Chirality is defined rather grandly as asymmetry such that an image and it's reflection are not superimposable. This means that if you reflect the object in a mirror it won't look exac...
Enthalpy (given the symbol H) is a measure of how much heat energy can be released by a chemical. ΔH is defined as the amount of heat energy released or taken in when two chemicals rea...
There are 2 types of bonding in chemicals; ionic bonding and covalent bonding. Both of these aim to fill the outer shells of the atoms. You can also have bonds between molecules called intramolecular b...
Isotopes are different forms of the same element by mass. While an atom is classified as a particular element based on the number of ...
Looking at the reaction between hydrogen and carbon monoxide to form methanol:
CO + 2 H2 ⇌ CH3OH
There are 3 moles on the left hand side and 1 mole on ...
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