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Effective Nuclear Charge is the net positive nuclear charge experienced by a valence electron orbiting the positively charged nucleus in an atom. Effective nuclear charge is redcued by:
An atom has the same number of protons and electrons so an atom has no overall electric charge.
If an atom loses or gains electrons it b...
The formula of the metal oxide is MO, which means there is only one oxygen atom bonded to the metal. The Mr of a compound is the sum of Ar of the elements that make up the compound. So, from this we ca...
The pi-bonds in benzene are delocalised over the entire ring, while in an alkene the pi-bonds are only delocalised over two carbon atoms. This means that benzene has a lower charge denisity than an alk...
The material is made up from nylon laminated with a PTFE / polyurethane membrane. The membrane is too fragile on its own hence why it is com...
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