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Including references to the set texts is key to a top essay grade. The key thing to remember, is that you don't have to directly quote from the source, but rather it can be paraphrased. This will save you...
Plan: Women as Plot Devices: Paris' stealing away of Helen is the cause of the war - However it is Paris' own actions which are more important to the plot than Helen. Book 1 Briseis taken from Achillies -...
‘The real tragic hero in Sophocles’ Antigone is Creon, not Antigone herself.’ How far do you agree with this statement?
- Consider the words and actions of Creon a...
This question comes from the 2015 OCR A-Level Ancient History paper and is typical in the style of the other questions. Using this question as an example, I’m going to demonstrate the key methods of ap...
Roman baths were a very important building structure for Roman citizens. No matter the size of the baths, the number of rooms, when it was built, where it was built, or which Emperor commissioned it, bath...
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