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This essay question comes from OCR's Classical Civilisation A-Level Paper "Homer's Odyssey and Society" 2014.
In the exam you need to spend about 45 minutes an...
First step: don't panic. You'll have studied the play or piece you've been given in class, so it's impossible you won't know at least something about it. The exam isn't expecting you to do any...
Essay writing, both in exams and otherwise, can often appear daunting at first. However, by GCSE and A Level, students should hopefully be well practised in the art, and should be comfortable with the ...
Practice makes perfect. There are a few ways you can do this:
Write the classical term or name on one side, and the meaning or any relevant details on the other, ...
Roman Comedy
There are very few plays extant from this period of Ancient Comedy
The only complete Romans Comic plays that we have are twenty plays by Plautus and six...
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