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Focussing on books nine and ten (the set texts), begin by considering the key characteristics of Odysseus. Mention how the poem begins: Odysseus is 'polutropon' - this is a word which has many meanings: c...
Translation:Those who fled from the city are not brave.'της πολεως' is in the genitive because it follows the preposition 'ἐκ' 'ἀνδρειοι' is in the nominative because it is the subject ...
In this essay, I will consider how four Presocratic thinkers bridge an epistemic gap between mortal and divine, thus transcending their mortal limitations. Fundamentally, human knowledge is limited: from ...
You start by finding the verbs. Once you found them, you start looking at the structure of the sentence and the relations between the propositions it's composed of – which one is the main clause, which ar...
There are three important factors to consider in order to interpret passages such as this: context, content and significance.The first, context, involves considering who is speaking, what comes before the...
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