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In Sonnet 29, Elizabeth Barrett Browning presents love as a force so strong that it borders on overwhelming. The speaker's love for her partner provokes thoughts of him that dominate the poem from its beg...
Whether you're writing about a poem or a novel or even a play, being analytical and precise about language devices will help you get top marks.It isnt just enough to say what the writer is doing and what ...
A PEE paragraph provides a vital basic structure to follow when answering a question. However, the PEE technique focuses more on the organisation of an answer than how to actually write one's ans...
Approaching unseen poems can feel daunting in an exam setting. However, looking at structure is a great way to get your answer going if you feel like you have nothing to say, or just don't know where to s...
The theme of dreams is presented in The Great Gatsby with Gatsby’s dream of Daisy and the past that he wishes to recreate. When Gatsby says ‘of course you can repeat the past’, this illustrates t...
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